  • Help


Welcome to the My Realtime Coach™ Online Help System. This documentation contains everything you need to know about navigating around the My Realtime Coach™ web site, so you can make the most of your learning experience. You will learn about the navigation system and the many options you have for finding the exercises that interest you. We will go through the ins and outs of our custom media player, and how to control exercise playback options like game mode and playback speed. This system will describe and compare the current types of exercises, so you will understand the differences between Extended Speed and Accuracy, Barrier Busters™, Medical terminology, and all of our other types of content. Finally, this help system will explore troubleshooting options and how to get answers to questions about our site, membership, or our exercises. One thing you'll discover as you use My Realtime Coach™ is that all of our exercises are made up of short and targeted training exercises organized by speed and dictation type. This allows you to work through an entire section from beginning to end, or simply jump to the specific set of exercises that interest you. This help system is similar. The My Realtime Coach™ web site is easy to use, so explore and see what you can find. If you have any questions or need help finding something, you can always come back to this documentation to find the help you need.