CAT Software Setup: Case CATalyst
Case CATalyst™ from Stenograph
  • Launch Case CATalyst™
  • From the Function menu, click Translate and Edit (or click the Translate and Edit icon)
  • Click the [Save Settings] button to create a settings profile that preserves your current settings. Give it an appropriate name (for example, if these are the settings you use for work, you could name it "Work Settings"), and click [Save].
  • For Steno Source, select Writer, and for Output Source, select StenoKeys.
  • Click the [Options] button.
  • On the Output to StenoKeys tab, make sure there is a checkmark in the box labeled Longest Match, and set the values for Strokes to 5 and Seconds to 2.
  • Click [OK] to close the Translate Options window.
  • Click the [Save Settings] button to create a profile for these new settings. Give the profile an appropriate name (such as "Output Settings"), and click [Save].
  • Create a new file by giving it a name in the File box, and click [OK]. Initial setup of Case CATalyst™ is now complete.
NOTE: These setting create a necessary delay of about two seconds from the time you write something on your writer to the time Case CATalyst™ sends it to Realtime Coach™.
When you're ready to start practicing in RTC, just do the following:
  • Connect your writer
  • Launch Case CATalyst™
  • Open the Translate and Edit window, and click [Load Settings].
  • Select your output settings profile, and click [Open].
  • Name a new file, and click [OK]. If you decide to append or overwrite an exisiting file, be sure that file was originally created using the settings you've just chosen.
  • Log into Realtime Coach™ and launch an exercise.
NOTE: If you are using EZ-Keys, you'll need to disable it when practicing with Realtime Coach™ as it conflicts with StenoKeys.