CAT Software Setup: Total Eclipse™
Total Eclipse™ from Advantage Software™
Launch Total Eclipse™ (close any running translations if already open)
Open the User Settings window (Alt+U)
Create a New Format (DO NOT CREATE A NEW USER) by clicking [ Save Settings]. Give your new format an appropriate name, like "Realtime Coach Settings".
On the Realtime tab be sure the Flush Delay is set to 2000ms. If the Eclipse is top window option is enabled on this tab, disable it.
Under Output Formats, select an item listed in the box, and click [ Delete] until the box is empty.
Under Output Formats, click [ Add].
In the new window that appears, select Keyboard Macro from the dropdown list (you may need to scroll down the list to find it), and click [ OK].
On the Edit tab, click the [ Macros] button.
Scroll down the list of macros, select K:LINEFEED, and click [ Edit].
Change the name of the Macro to K:PARAGRAPH, and click [ OK] to close the Macro Editor.
On the Translate tab, enter angle brackets ("<" and ">") as your untran borders.
Click [ OK] to close the User Settings window.
To launch a realtime translation, be sure your writer is connected and turned on. Then click the Realtime icon (spotlight) on the Tool Bar. Initial setup of Total Eclipse™ is now complete.
The next time you use Eclipse™ with Realtime Coach™, just do the following:
Launch Eclipse™ with your new Realtime Coach™ user format
Log into Realtime Coach™, and launch and exercise
Note: If you use the audio synchronization feature in Eclipse™ please disable it in your Realtime Coach™ user format by removing the check in the checkbox next to Record Audio in the Translate Notes dialog. If you typically use the Realtime icon to start a realtime file, you can use Alt+T to bring up the Translate Notes dialog and turn off Record Audio. The setting will be changed for your current User Format (in this case, your Realtime Coach™ user format), so you won't need to change it in the future.