CAT Software Setup: Total Eclipse
Total Eclipse™ from Advantage Software™
  • Launch Total Eclipse™ (close any running translations if already open)
  • Open the User Settings window (Alt+U)
  • Create a New Format (DO NOT CREATE A NEW USER) by clicking [Save Settings]. Give your new format an appropriate name, like "Realtime Coach Settings".
  • On the Realtime tab be sure the Flush Delay is set to 2000ms. If the Eclipse is top window option is enabled on this tab, disable it.
  • Under Output Formats, select an item listed in the box, and click [Delete] until the box is empty.
  • Under Output Formats, click [Add].
  • In the new window that appears, select Keyboard Macro from the dropdown list (you may need to scroll down the list to find it), and click [OK].
  • On the Edit tab, click the [Macros] button.
  • Scroll down the list of macros, select K:LINEFEED, and click [Edit].
  • Change the name of the Macro to K:PARAGRAPH, and click [OK] to close the Macro Editor.
  • On the Translate tab, enter angle brackets ("<" and ">") as your untran borders.
  • Click [OK] to close the User Settings window.
  • To launch a realtime translation, be sure your writer is connected and turned on. Then click the Realtime icon (spotlight) on the Tool Bar. Initial setup of Total Eclipse™ is now complete.
The next time you use Eclipse™ with Realtime Coach™, just do the following:
  • Connect your writer
  • Launch Eclipse™ with your new Realtime Coach™ user format
  • Click the Realtime icon
  • Log into Realtime Coach™, and launch and exercise
Note: If you use the audio synchronization feature in Eclipse™ please disable it in your Realtime Coach™ user format by removing the check in the checkbox next to Record Audio in the Translate Notes dialog. If you typically use the Realtime icon to start a realtime file, you can use Alt+T to bring up the Translate Notes dialog and turn off Record Audio. The setting will be changed for your current User Format (in this case, your Realtime Coach™ user format), so you won't need to change it in the future.